love and grief sat across in a diner

Here’s to the second poem of NaPoWriMo’24. This isnt exactly based on a prompt- but a tangent on a random prompt I saw somewhere. There is not much I can say about this piece- which is rather rare for me. Writing vaguely isn’t something I’ve heavily delved in. But it was nice to tap into something not personal for once. To love and to grief. And their children- intensity.

love and grief sat across in a diner
both a splitting image of the other.
the waitress asked what they would like,
in synonymity they replied
“intensity” and their eyes locked.
what is more intense and than a lover on a rainy day?
but what is more intense than a grieved on a beach?
both with passion in their veins
shook the walls of speech
i cannot look at you and smile, said love as it broke.
i cannot look at you and cry, smiled grief as it bellowed
for you are too sweet, and i too bitter, but made of the same fabric, in our truth we cannot lie
i am your rendition, said grief to love
i am you when you have nowhere to go
i drink anger in cups of regret and
neither you nor i can be forgotten
some look at me and search for you, whispered love at grief
there’s you in me when directed at the wrong man
but there’s us in them, and horror in each one of us
said synonymously as they perched over the booth
there stood a couple, young and in love,
across the street a single old man waiting for his wife to grip his hands
she would never come and he would never stop wishing it wasn’t true
never stop flexing his fingers for yet another touch
love and grief sat opposite in a diner
both a spill it if image of the other
and there comes the waitress,
“i’m sorry, i think i have your orders mixed up”.
they laughed and disappeared into cups of coffee
one black and one mocha
yet a splitting image of the other.

and with that, I am only a couple days behind. I hate institutionalised education.

bye snakers.

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