Only pride and no prejudice

This is my first time doing NaPoWriMo- a friend of mine was kind enough to make me aware about the existence of this challenge. And I was excited enough to be able and willing to do it. Here is my first entry- first of 30.

The challenge has prompts- optional, but I am not creative enough to write 30 poems without prompts. The first one said to write about a book plot- a book I hadn’t read in a long time. Here’s my version of pride and prejudice, and my recent discovery that I had in fact lived through a couple scenes in the book. Oh how I love Mr. Darcy.

I was walking through the ruins of the mansion above the ocean
When I came across Darcy
Running through the grass fields by the ocean
He held his vision high and mighty
A strain of his hands
Flex of his fingers
And I came to the crude realisation that he wasn't inked on paper anymore
He was there- and I stood dumbfounded with a vigour that changed my bones
My own gown dipped to the core, from the rain that soaked my flesh
My flesh and my conservations
He was a god to my devotion that had no place to go before
I screamed at Darcy, he couldn’t be true but he simply swayed 
To the beat of the sun and the clouds that covered the rays
He shone so bright
I had to close my eyes
He had done everything to help my existence in the oceans 
And what had I done?
I didnt know- doesnt matter
I wasnt aware- I was too rude
But the look in his eyes
The simple acceptance of my being
The adoration of my smiles
The simple loving of my skin
And I couldn’t fathom he didnt ask for anything in return
What was this man- no Darcy wasnt this humble
And then my eyes burst into a thousand lights
And I saw myself sitting- in a temple- far away from the mansion above the ocean
And there sat my Darcy
In his glory, on my lap 
And the world made sense 
Only pride and no prejudice for the man I thought didnt exist
But my life had colour now,
Gowns dried down and flesh scratched
He kissed my scars away
My Mr. Darcy. 

The purpose of the challenge is to simply write. Not write masterpieces. Therefore this piece. Please forgive my horrid writing.

Bye snakers.